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Babe Ruth Softball World Series


Babe Ruth Softball_2015 World Series logoA select number of games during the 2015 Babe Ruth Softball World Series will be broadcast ‘live’ and ‘archived’ online (audio only).

Teams also have an opportunity to pay to have their ‘own’ game(s) broadcast and all game broadcasts are available on your iPhone, iPad or computer. Broadcast links, scores, schedules & more for the 2015 World Series are listed below.

If your team is interested in having your own game(s) broadcast ‘live’ during the World Series, please contact Mike Ridaught at mike.ridaught@gmail.com or text/call 352-258-8450.

AUDIO BROADCASTS – Click on the links below to listen to each game.

Day #1 – Thursday, July 30
OPENING CEREMONIES, 8-9 p.m. – Join Mike Ridaught from the Hal Brady Recreation Complex in Alachua (FL) as he brings you ‘live’ coverage of the opening ceremonies of the 2015 Babe Ruth World Series. Managers from around the country will talk about this year’s event.

Day #2 – Friday, July 31
12U – Prairie Village (KY) 10, West Volusia (FL) 0
8U – East Bay (FL) 26, Ozark Tri-County (AR) 6 
12U – Washington (NC) 10, Sparta Diamonds (NJ) 1
8U – Santa Fe (FL) 14, Upper Freehold (NJ) 1

Day #3 – Sunday, August 2
8U – East Bay (FL) 22, Santa Fe (FL) 0
8U – East Bay (FL) 13, Starke-Bradford (FL) 12 (Opening game of bracket play)
8U – East Bay (FL) 5 Manassas (VA) 14 (Winners’ bracket)

Day #4 – Monday, August 3
Normandy (FL) 14, East Bay (FL) 8 (Elimination game)
West Volusia (FL) 13, Oakleaf (FL) 12 (7) (Elimination – Diamond Bracket)

Day #5 – Tuesday, August 4
Pitt County (NC) 4, Prairie Village (KY) 3 (Inaugural 10U Championship game)
Mount Olive (NJ) 3,  JPRD (LA) 1 (12U Championship)

JPRD (LA) 6, Mount Olive (NJ) 3 – if necessary game (12U Championship)

All broadcasts subject to change
You can also access all broadcasts online at www.floridacast.com


District 3 tournament (June 12-14)
Florida state tournament (June 27 – July 1)
Southeast Regional (July 15-19)

2015 Babe Ruth World Series
@Hal Brady Recreation Complex (Alachua, FL) – 12U
@Champions Park (Newberry, FL) -8U, 10U & 14U

8U (14 teams, Top four in each pool advance)

East Bay, FL (3-0)
Fern Creek, KY (3-0)
Normandy A.A. FL (2-1)
West Volusia, FL (1-2)
Santa Fe (Host) (1-2)
Ozark Tri-County, AR (1-2)
Upper Freehold, NJ (0-3)

Washington, NC (3-0)
Manassas, VA (3-0)
Starke-Bradford, FL (2-1)
Hamburg, AR (1-2)
Hamilton, NJ (1-2)
Oakleaf, FL (0-3)
Fort Caroline, FL (0-3)

Friday, July 31 (Pool Play)
East Bay (FL) 26, West Volusia (FL) 5
Manassas (VA) 30, Hamilton (NJ) 1
Normandy A.A. (FL) 12, Ozark Tri-County (AR) 2
Starke-Bradford (FL) 22, Fort Caroline (FL) 4
Fern Creek (KY) 29, Santa Fe (FL) 3
Hamburg (AR) 21, Oakleaf (FL) 2
West Volusia (FL) 6, Upper Freehold (NJ) 5
Washington (NC) 16, Hamilton (NJ) 6
Fern Creek (KY) 15, Normandy A.A. (FL) 0
Starke-Bradford (FL) 23, Oakleaf (FL) 2
East Bay (FL) 26, Ozark Tri-County (AR) 6
Manassas (VA) 18, Fort Caroline (FL) 2
Santa Fe (FL) 14, Upper Freehold (NJ) 1
Washington (NC) 7, Hamburg (AR) 5

Sunday, August 2 (Pool Play)
Normandy A.A. (FL) 10, Upper Freehold (NJ) 0
Washington (NC) 24, Starke-Bradford (FL) 9
East Bay (FL) 22, Santa Fe (FL) 0
Manassas (VA) 10, Hamburg (AR) 0
Hamilton (NJ) 18, Oakleaf (FL) 7
Ozark Tri-County (AR) 23, Fort Caroline (FL) 5
Fern Creek (KY) 22, West Volusia (FL) 1

8U (10 teams) – Double-elimination bracket

10U (12 teams, Top four in each pool advance)

Starke-Bradford, FL
Prairie Village, KY
Ocala, FL
Bloomingdale, FL
Windham, NH
Audubon, PA

Santa Fe (Host)
Oviedo, FL
Vernon, NJ
Pitt County, NC
Tanglewood, FL
Magnolia, AR

Friday, July 31 (Pool Play)
Bloomindale (FL) 9, Ocala (FL) 8
Oviedo (FL) 16, Tanglewood (FL) 1
Starke-Bradford (FL) 8, Audubon (PA) 5
Vernon (NJ) 2, Santa Fe (FL) 1
Prairie Village (KY) 12, Windham (NH) 2
Pitt County (NC) 19, Magnolia (AR) 1
Bloomingdale (FL) 21, Audubon (PA) 6
Oviedo (FL) 11,Vernon (NJ) 0
Windham (NH) 12, Ocala (FL) 2
Magnolia (AR) 14, Tanglewood (FL) 4
Prairie Village (KY) 14, Starke-Bradford (FL) 2
Pitt County (NC) 22, Santa Fe (FL) 0

Sunday, August 2 (Pool Play)
Prairie Village (KY) 16, Audubon (PA) 15
Pitt County (NC) 20, Vernon (NJ) 2
Ocala (FL) 17, Starke-Bradford (FL) 0
Santa Fe (FL) 11, Tanglewood (FL) 5
Bloomingdale (FL) 8, Windham (NH) 6
Oviedo (FL) 5, Magnolia (AR) 2

10U (10 teams) – Double-elimination bracket

12U (25 teams, 2 pools)

Fort Carolina, FL
Mt. Olive, NJ
Mineral Area, MO
Ridley, PA
Gilchrist, FL

Santa Fe (Host)
Prairie Village, KY
Sparta, NJ
Washington, NC
West Volusia, FL

Bloomingdale, FL
Fern Creek, KY
Cottonwood, KS
Windham, NH

Litchfield, NH
Hoquiam, WA
Tanglewood, FL
Shenandoah, VA
Starke-Bradford, FL

New Kent, VA
Pitt County, NC
Hamilton, NJ
Rochester, NH
Ormond Beach, FL

Friday, July 31 (Pool Play)
Mt. Olive (NJ) 15, Gilchrist (FL) 0
Hoquiam (WA) 12, Starke-Bradford (FL) 2
New Kent (VA) 3, Hamilton (NJ) 2
Prairie Village (KY) 8, Washington (NC) 3
Ft. Caroline (FL) 9, Mineral Area (MO) 5
Litchfield (NH) 13, Tanglewood (FL) 0
Ormond Beach (FL) 6, Pitt County (NC) 5
Santa Fe (FL) 6, West Volusia (FL) 4
JPRD (LA) 12, Bloomingdale (FL) 7
Fern Creek (KY) 10, Cottonwood (KS) 0
Mt. Olive (NJ) 4, Ft. Caroline (FL) 1
Hoquiam (WA) 3, Tanglewood (FL) 2
Pitt County (NC) 7, New Kent (VA) 2
Prairie Village (KY) 10, West Volusia (FL) 0
Ridley (PA) 14, Gilchrist (FL) 1
Shenandoah (VA) 12, Starke-Bradford (FL) 0
Rochester (NH) 3, Hamilton (NJ) 1
Washington (NC) 10, Sparta (NJ) 1
JPRD (LA) 11, Windham (NH) 1
Bloomingdale (FL) 13, Cottonwood (KS) 2

Sunday, August 2 (Pool Play)
Ft. Caroline (FL) 9, Ridley (PA) 6
Shenandoah (VA) 12, Tanglewood (FL) 2
Pitt County (NC) 10, Rochester (NH) 0
Sparta (NJ) 13, West Volusia (FL) 11
Litchfield (NH) 7, Starke-Bradford (FL) 3
Bloomingdale (FL) 14, Windham (NH) 0
Mineral Area (MO) 9, Santa Fe (FL) 7
Fern Creek (KY) 5, Shenandoah (VA) 1
JPRD (LA) 5, Gilchrist (FL) 4
Mount Olive (NJ) 7, Mineral Area (MO) 3
Ridley (PA) 9, Cottonwood Valley (KS) 3
Litchfield (NH) 7, Hoquiam (WA) 3
Ormond Beach (FL) 5,New Kent (VA) 0
Fern Creek (KY) 15, Windham (NH) 0
Prairie Village (KY) 10, Santa Fe (FL) 0
Washington (NC) 4, Hamilton (NJ) 2
Sparta (NJ) 3, Santa Fe (FL) 2

12U (15 teams) – Double-elimination bracket

14U (10 teams, 2 pools)

Pittsfield, MA
Gainsville, FL
Gilchrist, FL
Santa Fe, (HOST)

Ocala, FL
Southegan Valley, NH
Creek, FL
Fairdale, KY
Winter Park, FL

Friday, July 31 (Pool Play)
Pittsfield (MA) 12, Gainesville (FL) 6
Ocala (FL) 7, Fairdale (KY) 2
JPRD (LA) 7, Gilchrist (FL) 0
Southegan Valley (NH) 6, Creeks (FL) 3
Gainesville (FL) 6, Santa Fe (FL) 5
Winter Park (FL) 13, Fairdale (KY) 3
Pittsfield (MA) 16, Gilchrist (FL) 0
Creeks (FL) 15, Ocala (FL) 3
JPRD (LA) 12, Santa Fe (FL) 1
Southegan Valley (NH) 4, Winter Park (FL) 1

Sunday, August 2 (Pool Play)
Gainesville (FL) 7, Gilchrist (FL) 0
Creeks (FL) 13, Fairdale (KY) 11
JPRD (LA) 9. Pittsfield (MA) 0
Ocala (FL) 9, Southegan Valley (NH) 8
Santa Fe (FL) vs. Gilchrist (FL)
Winter Park (FL) 13, Creeks (FL) 1
JPRD (LA) 9, Gainesville (FL) 4
Southegan Valley (NH) 4, Fairdale (KY) 3
Santa Fe (FL) 15, Pittsfield (MA) 1
Ocala (FL) 16, Winter Park (FL) 4

14U (10 teams) – Double-elimination bracket

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