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2017 Babe Ruth Softball District 3 Tournament


babe-ruth-softball-logo-bannerA select number of games during the 2017 Babe Ruth Softball District 3 Tournament from the Hal Brady Recreation Complex in Alachua will be broadcast online (audio only).  Follow us on Facebook & Twitter @ThePrepZone during our ‘live’ broadcasts.

CHROME BROWSER NOTE: Recent versions of the Chrome Browser have discontinued support for several plugins including the Silverlight media player used on this site. The best option to access this ‘live’ broadcast is to switch to a different browser, i.e. Internet Explorer or Firefox.

The other option for windows users is to click the “WMP Player” once you access the broadcast on Chrome. This will play the broadcast in your standalone windows media player if that is available on your computer.

Click on each game link below to listen ‘live’ and/or ‘archived.’  Click here for brackets.

Thursday, June 8
Santa Fe 12, Fort White 2 (6U)

Friday, June 9
Gainesville 15, Union County 2 (8U)
Palatka 19, Gilchrist 7 (8U)
Santa Fe 16, Gilchrist 5 (10U)
Palatka 16, Union County 1 (10U)

Sunday, June 11
Bradford 10, Union County 0 (12U championship game)

Special thanks to:

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